Small Business Saturday!

This year, Union Park Press is participating in Small Business Saturday. Fitting in neatly with our READ LOCAL mission, we strongly believe that buying locally—in particular at local bookstores—is a small act that makes a HUGE difference for local businesses, the community, and the economy.

What is Small Business Saturday you ask? Traditionally, Black Friday follows Thursday’s Turkey Day: stores offer shoppers major discounts to get a head start on their holiday gift shopping. However, in the past few years, there have been two new choices for shoppers: Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday. The latter of which encourages consumers to shop locally. By supporting small, local businesses, you give a boost to the local economy (and not just to the national chains that can afford to offer deep discounts on Black Friday).

To celebrate Small Business Saturday with Union Park Press: visit our website on Saturday, November 26, 2011 to get wonderful discounts on our titles (and other local surprises, too!) – just in time for the holidays! In the meantime, like us on Facebook (Union Park Press and Read Local Boston), follow us on twitter @unionparkpress, and don’t forget to READ LOCAL!

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