Under Cape Cod Waters

Under Cape Cod Waters
by Ethan Daniels
12 x 10 in
152 pages
Full-color photographs
ISBN-10: 1-934598-05-4
June 2010
$35.00 US

Surrounded by thousands of square miles of cold, rough water, Cape Cod is regarded as New England’s crown jewel– a pristine summer paradise and playground for residents and tourists. Yet, despite the affection for this iconic landscape, the world beneath the Cape’s waters remains largely unexplored.
Award-winning photojournalist Ethan Daniels captures the mystery and importance of the often overlooked natural communities along the Cape Cod coastline. The Cape’s near-shore waters are both diverse and productive, making the Cape’s coastal ecosystems as dynamic and prodigious as any along the Atlantic shoreline.

Custom prints of images are available.

“This is a beautifully designed and printed book, both elegant and informative.”
Stephen Frink | Alert Diver Magazine

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